Our Mission
At axxios we're obsessed with the idea of a truly intelligent home. We're not talking about several disparate devices strung together by multiple apps and hubs - we're talking about a completely cohesive and private experience. An experience as simple as the light switches we've always had on our walls, while allowing you effortless access to all of the other features of your smart home.

Think about the current state of smart home control by utilizing digital assistants. If you would have told someone 40 years ago that we would all have devices listening to and recording us in our homes, they would've thought you were describing a dystopian nightmare, not the future smart home. At axxios, we're determined to change this reality by building a truly private smart home experience - one where you never need to worry about who might be listening.
Definition: The quality or condition of being easy to understand or do. This certainly does not describe the current smart home landscape. Currently there are only 2 options for creating a smart home: either configure multiple apps, digital assistants or smart speakers, hubs, maybe even a server; or, spend tens of thousands of dollars and hire a pro to create a custom solution for your home. Neither of these options are the recipe for a truly simple smart home experience and we intend to fix that. axxios is building the smart home for everyone.